Semi-structured interviews

Kimberly Hirsh, PhD candidate and member of the EITM Lab, writes on her blog:

One of my responsibilities in the Equity in the Making lab is to create an interview guide that will help us learn what makerspace leaders in the UNC system consider to be defining features of a makerspace. I originally thought this was going to be a survey, so I came up with a list of about ten questions and then in conversation with my colleagues on the project, added four more. I realized in that conversation, however, that it was an interview guide for a semi-structured interview, not a survey. I told my colleagues I’d take our list of questions and hone it so that it was “more interviewy, less survey-y.” What did that look like?

Read more about Kimberly’s thoughts on preparing for a semi-structured interview on her blog post: Semi-structured interviews: Stick to only a few big questions, but leave room for follow-ups.

EITM Lab Welcomes Kimberly & Laura!

Kimberly Hirsh (MS, MAT) and Laura March (MS, MEd) joined the Equity in the Making Lab for its inaugural 2020 year. Hirsh is currently a sixth-year doctoral candidate and March is a third-year doctoral student in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

More information, including short biographies, links to websites, and contact information, can be found on the EITM Team page.